The Dystopian Will Fall
Shadow-covered streets strewn with remnants of corpses mutilated by those known as the “Butchers” that patrol the once bustling Wall Street. Huddled beneath the earth, we cower painstakingly regulating our breathing as to not alert the death lurkers wandering above. One could say this mirrors a scene from the popular movie franchise The Purge. Over the last half-century, there have been innumerable films, television series, and literature dedicated to the “futuristic” genre of dystopian fiction. Dystopia; as an adjective relates to or denotes an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice. The term dystopia garnered steam in the mid-1950’s American lexicon with works such as George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1948) and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (1953). In both these literary works that are classified as fiction, they illustrate a country under totalitarian, omnipresent surveillance, historical negationism, and repressive regimes. To examine these literary themes juxtaposed to the reality of American society today, how could one not say we live in a very dystopian reality these authors wrote of some short time ago?
Our country is actively banning in numerous school systems curriculum what is known as “Critical Race Theory.” Well, what is that exactly? According to “critical race theory (CRT), is an intellectual movement and loosely organized frameworks of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.” From this description, it seems that one would like to enlighten others of the truth of American society and her deplorable history. To have it banned from our schools' curriculums mirrors much too closely the denialism and repressive codes in the literary works previously mentioned. America would wish to hide her ugly hand from the heinous brutality that she has inflicted and perpetuates upon the Black and Brown people the world over. Her sins trespass those of the physical, her greatest and most wicked of sins is the falsification of the truth of God and the truth of the Original Man.
The Bible and Holy Qur'an both speak of a Judgement Day that will smite the earth to an apocalyptic state. Why is it that the world should be prophesied to suffer through such an obliterating calamity? Reflect on the truths of the world that we currently live in, everything that the Bible teaches “Thou shall not do,” this world says “go!!! Run do that, it’s ok! We “separated” church and state so it’s ALL good” In the renowned book The Fall of America written by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, published in 1973 reads on pg. 152 “This beast sets up evil and indecency to be idolized as a God. She disguises good for evil and she covers the earth with filth, making it fascinating so that men will bow down and worship evil for good.” America will pay for all the sins she has reaped, for she refuses to repent for her wicked ways.
I recently wrote a short story piece titled “Dystopia Fallen: Hereafter: In the Wake” for a contest on a media platform that hosts independent writers. The requisites for entering your piece were simple, write a story six hundred to two thousand words in length of dystopian fiction with a heart-shaped locket intertwined within your work. Simple enough yes, but after a moment of retrospection on the subject matter, I realized that we in fact live in the very hell that authors conjure up as a future that is surely present. I knew then that a story of the future that is sure to come must be told. The truth of the Hereafter, of the time when wickedness has been cast out and the Original Black man would come back into his proper station, at the head of a righteous society. The future does not hold the world of suffering, deceit, indecency, and wickedness. That is now, the Hereafter is the paradise of purity, harmony, and balance as the Originator always intended.