The Pen at the Speed of Thought

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, The Merciful. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger.

As-Salaam-Alaikum with a trillon blessings.

Were your thoughts more organized you would be an even greater force of creation. Our thoughts are the most powerful force in the universe. The Supreme Wisdom Lessons by Master Fard Muhammad reveals that average speed of thought is 24 billion miles per second.

Surah 96 of The Holy Quran is Al-'Alaq: The Clot. This was the first revelation given  to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It reads:

"In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. Read in the name of thy Lord Who creates- creates man from a clot, Read and thy Lord is most Generous, Who taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not."

In the footnote of verse 1, part of it reads, "...The order to read is repeated in v. 3 with the addition of the words that thy Lord is most Generous, to show that it is through reading and writing that man can attain to a position of glory."

Glory comes when we masterfully express our given attributes from Allah in such a way that pleases Him. Each man and woman have within them divine potential; potential that can be fully expressed. It depends on how near our hearts are to Allah's heart; and our minds are to His mind; and our thoughts to His thoughts. The more near we are to Him the greater His Light shines through us and His Power is witnessed.

It then becomes essential to read and study His words, His Messengers, and His creation. And, after we read we must interact with the material, parsing and applying  to deepen our understanding  of it and to order our being around the Truth that "He, Allah, is One."

John opens "In the beginning was the word."

Why is the written word able to transform the lives of millions of people who lend their eyes to the pages of revelation, scholarship, literature during and long after the author's physical life?

Is the pen still mightier than the sword?